Morning Mechanism

Chapter 1: An Introduction to Organic Chemistry

Notes, Problem Sets and Concept Quiz!

Notes that you can download for your convenience! 

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Videos that go along with the notes to make sure you fully grasp the material!

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Chapter 7: Fundamental Reactions

Notes and Problem Sets 

Notes that you can download for your convenience! 

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Videos that go along with the notes to make sure you fully grasp the material!

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Reaction Notebook

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia.

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"After struggling in Chemistry 1 and 2, I was worried that I would have similar struggles when taking Organic Chemistry. Thanks to Cooper’s easy to follow video lessons and the comprehensive reaction notebook, all of my worries were resolved and I was able to improve on my grade from general chemistry and succeed in learning organic chemistry and I now feel confident and ready to head into organic chemistry 2! "

 -Ray, The Ohio State University


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